City of Los Angeles Civil + Human Rights and Equity Department (LA Civil Rights)
Planning for Constant Change
How Star Insights helped the LA Civil Rights Department create a resilient and strategic foundation for its future.

The Los Angeles Civil + Human Rights and Equity Department (LA Civil Rights) has an ambitious assignment: to reduce bias and injustice while leveling the playing field in the City of Los Angeles.
Our mission is to maintain and strengthen the city’s diversity, equity, and accountability. We are focused on reducing bias and injustices while leveling the playing field through community engagement, equity initiatives, and upward mobility programming. – LA Civil Rights
The establishment of the Civil and Human Rights Ordinance for the city of Los Angeles in 2019, came, as a direct result of advocacy and intentionality to ensure an equitable LA. This law prohibits discrimination in the private sector areas of commerce, education, employment and housing. .
LA Civil Rights is focused on implementing the Human Rights Law and upholding equity and accountability. Looking to the future, LA Civil Rights wants to ensure that their successes and milestones – which included the formal launch of the Civil + Human Rights and Equity Department in 2020 – along with their key pillars (Equity Empowerment, Outreach & Community Engagement, Commissions Support and Discrimination Enforcement) are well reflected in a strategic planning document.
Any strategic plan for the department would have to take into consideration the varied nature of their work, as well as their context working within the government of the second largest city in the United States.
“While we did hit the ground running and accomplished several key milestones, including launching a city-wide award-winning LA for All campaign, our leadership wanted to ensure that the four pillars and the long-term vision of the department, to build a just and equitable Los Angeles, continued to grow and expand.”
Joumana Silyan-Saba
Director of Policy and Enforcement,
City of Los Angeles Civil + Human Rights and Equity Department
Following an RFP process and reviewing several applications, Star Insights was selected as a consultant to guide the department’s strategic planning process. Combining years of experience in strategic planning and marketing, as well as being deeply familiar with the Los Angeles city government, Star Insights was the perfect partner choice to help LA Civil Rights build their foundational strategic plan.
“It was very important that we worked with an agency that not only understood strategic planning, but also understood branding and messaging and, quite frankly, had a grasp on government and in particular the City of Los Angeles. Because we could create the most extravagant strategic plan – but if that strategic plan cannot be implemented, then it’s absolutely useless.” – Joumana Silyan-Saba, Director of Policy and Enforcement
Embarking on their signature, 5-Phase, Co-Creation Process, Star Insights set out to help LA Civil Rights craft a framework that would support the department’s growth for years to come.
“I enjoyed the process because it was clear from the get-go. We particularly appreciated being involved in the process design aspects and worked hand-in-hand with the Star Insight team to craft the necessary engagements and input from stakeholders and key partners that helped to establish the department.”
“There are different expectations of what a strategic plan is going to look like. For us it was critically important to reflect the heart of the department and core values of equity, inclusion and justice.”
Joumana Silyan-Saba
Director of Policy and Enforcement,
City of Los Angeles Civil + Human Rights and Equity Department
Weekly meetings were vital for the team as they helped them co-create, calibrate and communicate expectations: this strategic plan would not be 50 pages with detailed action steps. Rather, it would give the department a framework so they can remain true to their vision and mission – staying clear on why they exist, who they exist for, and what their priorities are – regardless of the changes and challenges they face.
The Los Angeles Civil + Human Rights and Equity Department is a complex department with an ambitious mission.
“The strategic framework has helped us refine how our priorities are communicated and gave us an opportunity to intentionally organize and align initiatives. At the end of the process, we walked away with a roadmap to ensure the on-going growth of the LA Civil Rights.” – Joumana Silyan-Saba, Director of Policy and Enforcement